In the world of Pokémon Go, Tandemaus and its evolution Maushold debuted in Generation 9 during the Season of Shared Skies. These charming Normal-type Pokémon appeal to trainers with their adorable designs and unique evolution, which expands their family size. Players should familiarize themselves with the mechanics of Maushold’s two distinct forms – Family of Three and Family of Four – in order to maximize their gaming experience.
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Acquiring Tandemaus in Pokémon Go
Tandemaus made its first appearance during the Better Together event in July 2024, presenting several opportunities for trainers to catch this novel Pokémon.
Here’s how you can find Tandemaus during this event:
- Complete the ‘Better Together Timed Research’ quest, which offers a reward of one Tandemaus encounter for each of the first two quest steps.
- Participate in event-exclusive field research tasks, including options like “Catch 10 Pokémon,” “Power up Pokémon 10 times,” or “Trade a Pokémon.”
- Engage in Party Play with friends, as this feature might earn you additional encounters.
- Purchase the Grow Together Ticket for a timed research quest, which includes a guaranteed Tandemaus encounter as one of its rewards.
Completing the Better Together Timed Research quest guarantees two encounters with Tandemaus. While the quest involves a significant amount of experience points (20,000 XP), the event also offers a fourfold XP bonus for captures, making it easier to earn valuable XP quickly through successful raids and Pokémon catches. Be sure to claim your rewards before 8 PM (local time) on Monday, July 22, as they disappear afterward.
If you plan to catch Tandemaus through field research tasks, it’s important to note that various tasks can yield encounters. However, keep in mind that rewards include other Pokémon and items, so it may take several attempts. Daily rotations at PokéStops may affect your chances, so connecting with your local Pokémon Go community can enhance your search efforts.
For those using Party Play, it’s a fantastic way to enjoy this event, though it demands either a group of friends or an additional account. Be cautious about battery drainage, as the unknown spawn rates of Tandemaus may limit your success in searching for this small creature.
Additionally, you can invest in the Grow Together Ticket for $4.99, which features a timed research quest with a Tandemaus encounter. However, this ticket cannot be refunded and must be completed before September 3 at 10 AM (local time).
If you’re considering this purchase, waiting until after the Ultra Unlock: Better Together event concludes on August 1 may be wise. This approach allows you to gauge your Tandemaus captures before making any financial commitments.
To ensure you secure Tandemaus in your Pokédex for future evolutions, it’s advisable to catch at least one during the event. According to the official Pokémon Go blog, accessible encounters for Tandemaus after the event may only occur during Party Play, a potential barrier for those without fellow trainers.
Evolving Tandemaus into Maushold
Evolving Tandemaus into Maushold requires 50 Tandemaus Candy. This quantity is standard for many one-stage Pokémon evolutions. To maximize your candy collection, consider utilizing a Pinap Berry when capturing Tandemaus, as this will double the candy reward. Given that Tandemaus may become less available after the event, this strategy is especially beneficial.
In addition to catching Tandemaus, you can earn more candy by designating it as your buddy Pokémon or by utilizing Rare Candy (though you may want to reserve this for more challenging Pokémon).
Understanding Maushold Forms in Pokémon Go
Maushold features two forms to explore: Family of Three and Family of Four. The key difference lies in the number of offspring that Maushold produces during its evolution.
In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the Family of Three form is rarer, with a 1/100 chance of Tandemaus evolving into this variant. Notably, both forms share identical stats, and if Tandemaus evolves at Level 25 without being utilized in battle, the evolution will occur without a cutscene display. Instead, Maushold will simply join your team.
Currently, both the Family of Three and Family of Four forms are available in Pokémon Go, with the specific form that Tandemaus transforms into being determined at random. While players await further updates, it remains a mystery whether any underlying odds influence this outcome.
Best of luck as you set out to capture Tandemaus in Pokémon Go! This delightful addition to your team not only enriches your Pokémon experience, but also opens up exciting possibilities for evolution and gameplay.
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